Monday, April 15, 2013

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 4.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 4.

From the three parts of this story, you’ve read so far…. There’s an unmistakable bond between the girls and Sandra has lived up to her name of QUEEN B, setting up herself and her friends with a weekend adventure to remember.

But the question is… what happened during the course of their quest?

Part 4 promises to set the bar rising with heat like no other has the ladies begin to recount their sexcapades… in detail.

Like our other Stories and features in the series: Love, Lust and Money, which addressed several societal issues, we most times don’t want to talk about in the open and feel it TABOO.

Don’t hold your breathe, cause our stories would inspire you to think outside the box. Get Creative, live your lives with renewed Passion and Zeal.

4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend captures the lives of four friends (Amanda, Sandra, Bimpe and Koyin,) who share an apartment in Lagos; and their search for Love, Money, Sex, and Adventure.

Checkmate, the tables have turned…

Follow @effiongeton and @sexitee03 if you’re interested in Updates about the series and future stories. Now, enjoy Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 4. Remember to post your comments after the read: -

         …A knock on the door interrupted me this time, Amanda went to answer the door and behold, our princes stood at the door, ‘welcome to the lioness den, please come in if you’re brave enough’ Amanda welcomed them into our home. The guys, led by Tony, followed by Lekan, Habib and Opeyemi came into our apartment. They were all looking charming and well dressed but my gaze was just for one person, Habib. meehn, this guy is fine! He was dressed in a dark green polo shirt over a dark blue jeans, a silver stud in his left ear, his left wrist housed a silver Swatch while a tiny silver chain adorned his right wrist. His facial features were perfect, his hair was cut very short and waves were in it, his dark eyebrows was full but it was neatly arranged, his eye lashes were long and dark, his nose sat perfectly on his face but what really got me was his full lips, I couldn’t help but imagine what I could do to his lips and what his lips could do to my body, instantly that got me all wet below. He has a very masculine body, you know; the big chest and six pack types, his arms filled the helm of his Polo shirt and the rest of the clothe molded his body well and his soft leather sandal looked good on his feet. I licked my lips and blinked my eyes.

           I searched the faces my friends’ and they were all taking in their partners. Opeyemi was dressed in a short sleeved navy blue shirt and a black pant trouser, he had on a leather wristwatch, a gold chain circled his neck and he had a black shoe on and I’m sure if we ask Koyin, she will say her man is the most handsome amongst the four men. Tony wore a deeply cut V-neck white shirt over short brown knickers but what I love about his outfit was the brown hat he had on his head, a bead on his wrist and brown loafers on his feet completed his dressing. Lekan wore a tailored shirt, the white embroidery on the lemon colored shirt was beautifully made, he wore it over black jeans, and there was a silver chain around his neck, a silver wrist chain around his right wrist and a black leather wristwatch on his left wrist. They were all cutely dressed, my gaze went back to Habib and I caught him starring at me too, we smiled at each other and I regained my senses.

          ‘Since you guys were brave enough to enter the lioness den, I think you should sit down but first let me introduce you officially to my friends even though you guys have been talking for the last few days’,I said. I don’t know why I’m introducing them self, because each girl was beside her man already, anyways, courtesy demands. ‘Opeyemi, Tony, Habib, Lekan, please meet my friends, this is Amanda, this is Koyinsola, this is Bimpe and I am Sandra, we are pleased to have you here’, all these were said amidst handshakes and hugs. My girls were so quiet! Were they turning shy on me? No way! I thought to myself. ‘Since you guys were generous to provide these champagnes, I think it’s only fair to share it with you!’ Amanda said and Koyin and Bimpe stood up together to go and get the champagne flute, one person can get these flutes ordinarily but I’m sure they needed to gossip, ‘I’ll get the ice cubes for the drinks’ Amanda said. What? I can’t believe these girls are ditching me to go gossip! What am I suppose to go get oo? Then I remembered we have some cashew nuts at home. ‘Let me get you some refreshment with the drink’ I said running to the kitchen.  I could see the boys smiling, so what if they know we were gossiping about them? I mean they’ve had their time too!  When I opened the door the girls were whispering with glee like a she-dog in heat! ‘How dare you girls leave me out of this?’ I whispered with glee myself, they drew me into their circle and we group hugged ‘woow, pictures do lie, the guys are way too cute’ Koyin said, ‘I know, but we’ve to get back now before they change their minds and run away’ I said, each girl took what she came for and we piled out of the kitchen as we entered the living room the guys head was also together in discussion!

           Alas, they were gossiping about us too and we caught them.  We were all smiling as we set down our wares on the centre table ‘ok, we guys are not going to pretend we were not talking about you ladies like you went to gossip about us in the kitchen, we were just appreciating what we’ve seen, right guys?’ Habib said as he picked up one champagne bottle to open. ‘Right’ the boys said and nodded in agreement. ‘So when you guys say something behind us it’s ‘talking’ but when we do it, its ‘gossiping’ abi?’ Bimpe asked, where Bimpe did got such confidence from, I don’t know, but I liked it. ‘Well, it is common knowledge that girls gossip more than boys, I mean, you people talk about everything, especially us boys’ Tony added while Habib filled out flutes, ‘Opeyemi, as a lawyer, do you also agree to this? Do you think women do gossip more than men?’ Koyin asked her intended lover looking him straight in the eye. Oh oh, God help this guy, because koyin’s eyes are enchanting and when she turned them on you, you have no chance at all.Well, it depends on the school of thought you belongs too and the kind of female or male we are talking about, you know some guys do gossip more than girls’. Ope tried to be diplomatic while he stood bewitched, the guys were about to turn on him when I saved him.

          ‘Can we make a toast and drink these champagnes?’ I asked, we all stood up raising our flutes up and I said, ‘to four couples on their way to libration and happiness, may this weekend be one to remember for the rest of our lives? ‘Hear, hear, hear’ we all echoed ‘to four pretty ladies who are brave and sexy, may you find what you seek’ Lekan toasted on behalf of the boys and we drank our champagne. ‘So, how did you girls meet?’ Lekan asked and Amanda told him how we met at the NYSC and how we’ve been together ever since, ‘wow, you guys really are connected, it’s not easy for four girls to live together and not fight, how do you do it?’ Opeyemi asked and Koyin answered. ‘Who told you we don’t fight? These girls can frustrate the life out of you’, Amanda, Bimpe and I turned a questioning look on Koyin, she pretended not to see us and continued  ‘but we love each other and respect each others’ space and differences and there’s division of labour too, no one falls sick on their cleaning day’ everyone laughed.

         ‘Me I get question for lady nurse oo!’ Tony said and we all directed our attention to Bimpe ‘Matthew 7:7’ Bimpe answered. ‘I’ll like to know, why all matrons at the hospitals have big yansh, do you guys do something to it?’ We were all laughing before he finished his question and amidst our laughter Bimpe answered him, ‘well, we’ve sworn an oat not to tell! It’s our secret, I’ll have to kill you if I tell you and I’m sure you are not ready to die? Talo feku? She asked, all the while the TV was on but we were too involved in ourselves to watch it until the NEWS came on, we turned up the volume. ‘Hope you girls are ready, I think we should leave after the news’ Opeyemi suggested, ‘ok then, if you will excuse us’ I said and we cleared the table and we went into our respective rooms, when I came back to the living room, Amanda and Bimpe were already there, they’ve changed their outfits and they were smiling broadly with glints in their eyes, ‘what did I miss?’ I asked, ‘well the Lagos state governor just declared June 12 a public holiday, and it is Monday!’  Tony informed me as Koyin walked into the living room. ‘He be like say I hear person say public holiday now?’ Koyin asked. ‘Yes dear, Monday is a public holiday, isn’t that nice?’ Lekan asked.

          Nice? The weekend couldn’t get better!!! At least there will be time to relax and gist about our weekend sexcapades when we get back, it’s like the universe gave us all the time we needed. ‘If you girls are ready, we are ready’ Habib said eyeing my hips as I had changed into a short blue gown, which did wonders to my figure. They helped us with our small traveling boxes as we headed out. Habib drives a Morino, Tony drives a BMW, Lekan drives a Bugatti and Opeyemi drives a Benz, after our loads had been stored in our respective dates cars, the girls and I gathered to say our goodbyes, ‘ok ladies, this is it, this is where we part, I don’t know what they have planned for us but I sure know it’s going to be fun but remember to call for help if you sense anything wrong or you are not comfortable with him and I’ll come get you, but aside that, do have plenty of fun, remember, you are all beautiful, young, hardworking ladies, use them this time, no fall my hand oo, I love you girls’ I said  to my friends. ‘I like him so I think I’ll be alright’ Bimpe said and Koyin and Amanda said ‘me too’ ‘ok then, see you Sunday evening and I want to hear all the details, or else!’ I threatened. We group hugged and each went in the direction of her dates car.

         It was Sunday evening, the weather was so cool it was like the heavens was at peace, I sat in the passenger seat, looking out and enjoying my environment and thinking about the wonderful weekend I had, the car was in a comfortable silence, I sneaked a peak at Habib, a smile played on his lips, I believed he was thinking about the weekend we just had, at least I hope that’s what he was thinking about. He handled the power steering with his left hand and he held my left hand in his right hand, rubbing it with his thumb, I felt the sensation, it was not of sex, it was of affection and it warmed my heart, each time he changes gear, he did it with our hands joined together, ‘hhffnne’ I sighed, ‘are you alright baby?’ he asked as he raised my palm to his lips for a kiss, I looked into his eyes and tears rushed to me eyes, I blinked it away, ‘I’m fine dear’ I replied. Five minutes later, he drove into my compound, and both of us were unwilling to get down, he sighed and said ‘Sandra, I want to thank you for a beautiful weekend, it was what I expected and more, in fact I’ve not felt like this in a long while, please think about what I said earlier, I really mean it, ok? He asked, ‘ok, I’ll think about it and also, thank you for the best weekend I’ve had in a while and all the things you bought for me, thank you dear’, I said. ‘That’s nothing, it was my pleasure buying them and I’ll gladly buy more if you want me too’ ‘it’s enough, thank you sir’, I said smiling.

       ‘Come here, let me kiss that your sweet lips,’ he said as he moved his head towards mine, I met him half way, our lips clashed and that electricity I felt throughout the weekend was still there and I must confess, I’ve never felt like this. He chewed on my lips for a minute, teasing me with his tongue and teeth, I half rose from my seat, drew his head closer with my right hand, steadying his head for my onslaught, I took his lips in my mouth and probed his teeth with my tongue, his hand went to my back, drawing me closer still, while my left hand roamed about his face and head. He parted his teeth for me and we tongue wrestle for a while, by the time we both came up for air we were breathing hard. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to go back to my house and spend the public holiday with me?’ he asked huskily still holding me, I replied in the same tone ‘I wish I could but I’ve to get ready for work tomorrow, besides, each day I spend with you will just make parting more difficult’. He drew my head to his lips and planted a kiss on my forehead, ‘ok, let me help you with your bags then’ he said. We got down from the car and he opened the boot, even though I left with just one box, I returned with four boxes, filled with the things he bought for me during the weekend, I’m sure he had help from Demola. We both carried my luggages to the door step, I reached for my key in my bag, as I was about to insert it into the key hole, I noticed it was blocked, that told me someone was home, I panicked a bit, what if one of my friends didn’t have fun and came back early? But I cancelled that thought immediately, all the calls I exchanged with the ladies during the weekend was positive, I turned the knob and it gave way, I went in.

         The living room smelled of food so I was sure Bimpe was around, however it was Amanda who lounged on the sofa watching TV. ‘eheheheheh! Welcome sweetie’ she stood up and hugged me and Habib, ‘how are you Amanda, how was your weekend?’ Habib asked her ‘splendid, how was yours?’ she asked, ‘it was beautiful’ he said looking and smiling at me. ‘Ok dear, let me be on my way, I’ll call you when I get home, be a good girl’ he said and kissed me full on my lips, I was sure he would have deepen the kiss if not for Amanda’s presence, ‘be a good boy too, drive safely and don’t forget to call me when you get home’ I retorted, ‘yes madam’ he said, bowed and walked out of the apartment and I felt this sharp pain as if something very important was walking out of my life! How did I get here? I don’t love, I can’t start now. Who are you kidding? My subconscious asked me. I repressed the thought to the back of my heart and asked my friend instead ‘when did you get back and who else is here?’ ‘I’ve been back since two hours ago, around 5pm sha, Bimpe came in around 5:30pm she cooked and went to bed, said no one should wake her, if you ask me, I’ll say she looked well fucked!’ Amanda suggested.  I checked the wall clock, it was 7:30pm and suddenly I was very tired too, ‘Na you sabi, u self look over fucked’ I said yawning, covering my mouth with the back of my hand. ‘I’m also going to bed but if by 9pm Koyin is not back, please wake me up, abeg help me carry these loads to my room.’ My handbag was on my shoulder and I lifted two boxes, Amanda did the same, we took it to my room, ‘thanks love’ I said, ‘anytime’ she replied and left my room.
         I undressed and went to shower, I came out of the bathroom, dried myself and I was very thirsty, I put on my nightgown and headed for the kitchen, I drank a glass cup of water, as I was about to leave the kitchen, headlights reflected into the kitchen and I drew the window shade back to peep, it was Koyin being dropped by Opeyemi. I went into the living room and sat down, three minutes later, she entered carrying a box and Ope was behind her carrying another box, ‘hey girl, welcome home, and you sure took your time. How was your weekend?’ I asked teasing her, I could see she was shy about it but she said ‘fine, I’m ok’. ‘Ope, how are you too, hope you are good?’ I asked. ‘I am more than fine, we had a fun-filled weekend, I almost wished the weekend not to end, thanks for hooking us up’ he replied. ‘No probs, I’m glad you guys had a nice time, I’m very tired, I’m heading to love my bed, you are the last to come in Koyin so you can lock the door, Opeyemi, goodnight’I said stifling a yawn and went into my room. Tomorrow going to be very interesting, I can’t wait for the girls to recount their experience to me and I’m sure you can’t wait to hear it too or can you?  [To be continued]

Written By Olatorera - @sexitee03

Edit by Effiong Eton - @effiongeton

In part 4 of Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 weekend. We’ve learnt?

Follow @effiongeton and @sexitee03 for tips and updates on the series. Also drop your comments.

Watch out for Part 5 of Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 weekend, but here a bit of what to expect:

          Idid as he suggested, I relaxed as he massaged my clitoris. He stood up from the stool and knelt down beside me, he played with my nipples with his left hand while his right hand worked on my clitoris, I moaned ‘issh, arsshe, oowwhsh’ I spread wider, I raised my left leg over the bathtub, my left hand held the tub while my right hand held on to his shoulder, he slipped a finger in my pussy, going in and out, then slipped in two fingers. I screamed as he hit my sweet spot, all the while, his thumb didn’t leave my clitoris, I kept on screaming while he worked on me, then I felt it coming, I raised my hips to meet his fingers ‘mmhmmm, mmhmmm, arrshhh’, I moaned as I came, he removed his hands from my vagina and breast and came to kiss me, he kissed me till I stopped shaking. I felt boneless, I felt like sleeping, I didn’t bother to open my eyes while he continued with the bathing, I felt his hands coming behind my back and ankle, I draped my hands on his shoulders as he carried me to the bed. He dropped me on the bed and dried me with a towel. ‘Stay here babe, let me shower, I’ll be right back’, he said while he kissed my forehead. He went to the bathroom and before he came back, I had recovered from the mind-blowing climax. I am a strong believer of “do me I do you” policy so I had plans for Opeyemi when he came out of the bathroom. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist. I moved closer to him as he walked towards me, he was going to kiss me but I moved away before he could kiss me, I dropped to my knees in front of him and took away his towel, his manhood sprang free, ‘I don’t intend to be a kiss and tell but girls, eru niyo, his dick is beautiful; not too big, thick and very smooth, the kind that makes your mouth water!’ I confirmed to my friends. I held it and… ‘Wait!’ Bimpe said ‘I no fit hold this piss again, I need to go to the bathroom’…

The Heat is ON…

Also check out:

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 3. 

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend – Part 2.

Love, Lust and Money: 4 Girls, 4 Guys, 1 Weekend - Part 1

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her Boyfriend and I.) – Part 4.

Love, Lust and money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 3.

Love, Lust and money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 2.

Love, Lust and Money: (My friend, Her boyfriend and I) - Part 1.

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