Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Regret Being a Divorcee – Monalisa Chinda

When asked by the Vanguard in a recent Interview, about what she regretted most in her past? Beautiful Nollywood Actress, Monalisa Chinda responded: 
"One thing I regret most is the fact that I am divorced.  Where I come  from, I’m the first daughter. I’m from a royal family, it has never been on record in my family  that the first daughter will walk out of her matrimonial home. But it was a  matter of life and death, otherwise,  I would have stayed back and make my marriage work. I tried to make it work, but it takes two people to tango.That’s the only thing I regret, having to raise my child without the father. It’s a bit painful. But I have to live with it. It’s better that way than to expose my little daughter to all sorts of domestic  violence. It will definitely disorient her and affect her upbringing. She will be dis-functional. God knows the best. May be, I should have been more careful."
And the shocking experience, has taught her?   

"I’ m a bit stronger and wiser now than before. I have known how not to get involved in anything emotional again. If you are  emotional even in a relationship, you don’t get to think. One shouldn’t  allow her  emotion to overrule  her sense of reasoning.
I have understood what it means to be patient to persevere and also, to be careful with people around me. If somebody around you is your very good friend, you end  up finding that the person is actually an enemy in disguise. I have learnt all of that because I have been alone. While my marriage was intact, I was not keeping friends.  After I’m through with my work, I usually  retire to my house. But since I’m alone, and having to mix up with a lot of people, I have realised that I have to be very careful and free-minded and at the same time, be myself."

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